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Kansas Wesleyan University




学生财务计划部将在MyKWU学生门户账户上向您发布通知, under the section titled “Financial Aid Document Tracking”.  它将提供提供什么以及如何提供的详细说明.  Read and follow these instructions carefully.  Check this section frequently.

My application is selected for “Verification”?  What is “Verification?” 

验证最好被认为是联邦政府的一项质量保证计划,旨在确保学生的经济援助奖励是基于准确的计算和准确的数据.  因此,将您的FAFSA信息与其他文件进行比较,以“验证”FAFSA数据是否正确.

What does this mean to me?

你的FAFSA被选中进行验证意味着学生财务规划办公室将无法继续处理你的经济援助申请,直到你“完成验证”.” In short, 在完成此步骤之前,您将不会收到经济援助奖励通知, 这意味着在你能够搬进宿舍或开始体育比赛或上课之前,你将负责全额支付学费和杂费.

When is my deadline for completing “Verification?”

On a practical level, the good answer is “DO IT NOW!”  Delay serves no good purpose. Some financial aid programs are limited in funding, 并且可用资金可能在您完成验证时耗尽. 联邦政府允许您最迟在您在奖励年度(通常)停止就读后的120天内完成验证, this means the end of the term), or a date in late September of the award year, whichever of those two comes earlier. 迟完成或错过截止日期,将导致失去联邦资格.

For example, if Verification is completed after the academic year, or if your enrollment is ended, we cannot process loans and limited funds may be exhausted. If you are having trouble completing verification, contact the Student Financial Planning Office in the K-Dub Hub for help at (785) 833-4315.

How Do I Complete Verification?

To “Complete Verification” means:

  1. 您填写并提交特定要求的“验证工作表”,  with all required signatures, 传真785-404-1485至学生财务策划处, scan and email to [email protected], mail or deliver to our office, and
  2. 如果你(或你的父母)被要求向国税局提交所得税申报表, 您已经通过链接和使用IRS数据检索工具将IRS网站上的所有所得税信息导入到您的FAFSA中.
  3. You have submitted other requested documents. 所需文件将列在MyKWU门户网站帐户的经济援助部分, “Financial Aid Document Tracking’.

当收到所有验证文件(和IRS数据检索)时, 学生财务规划工作人员将审查你的FAFSA的准确性, make any needed corrections to your FAFSA, calculate, 并把你的助学金寄到你的中大入门帐户. We will also email an award letter to your KWU Email account.

IRS Data Retrieval

IRS Data Retrieval:  What is it and how do I do it?  

The IRS Data Retrieval tool is the main method the U.S. 教育部许可,用于核实您和/或您父母的税务信息. It is easy and fast. Here are the steps:

  1. Log onto your FAFSA at, using your FSA ID.
  2. 在“您也可以”部分,点击超链接文本“更正FAFSA”.”
  3. 在FAFSA的上屏幕中,选择标题为“财务信息”的蓝色选项卡.” Scroll down to the questions about income tax.
  4. 确保有关完成纳税申报表的问题切换为“已完成”.”
  5. There should be a box titled “Link to the IRS.” Proceed to the IRS website. Enter your address exactly as listed on your tax return. 例如,如果你把街道地址中的“street”缩写为“St . street”.”, you would need to say that here as well.
  6. 选择右边说“我想把我的税务信息转移到FAFSA”的方框.然后选择左边写着“现在转账”的按钮.”
  7. At this point, make sure to save and submit your FAFSA.
  8. 你的新FAFSA将在几天内到达学生财务规划办公室.

如果您能够使用IRS数据检索工具,这个过程通常工作得很好. 但是,以下情况会延迟或取消您使用IRS数据检索的资格:

  1. 你在不到三周前提交了电子纳税申报表, 或者你在不到十周前提交了书面纳税申报表.
  2. IRS数据检索工具只有在回答“您是否完成了您的报税表??您在FAFSA上填写:“已完成”(我的纳税申报表). 如果你在我的纳税申报单上输入“不打算申报”或“打算申报”,将您的FAFSA上的答案更改为“已完成”,以便FAFSA将为您提供IRS数据检索工具.
  3. 如果你的父母最近结婚(或再婚)和/或提交了单独的纳税申报表. 这意味着FAFSA不能进口退税.
  4. IRS数据检索工具只会传输原始税务数据. 您需要向学生财务规划办公室提交一份1040X修订表格的副本.
    1. The first three digits of the Social Security Number are 666.
    2. 您已经提交了一份修改后的所得税申报表. IRS Data Retrieval cannot import amended returns.
    3. You filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax return(s), or.
    4. 您在FAFSA中申报的婚姻状况为“已婚”,但在纳税申报表中申报的是“户主”, or filed separate return(s).

What if the IRS Data Retrieval tool does not work?


您可以通过提供所需的每个所得税申报表的IRS纳税申报表来完成这部分验证.g. 已婚单独申报-每个申报人的IRS税务记录等的副本.).  你可以通过访问美国国税局的网站获取你的税务记录

In some instances, 昆大学生财务规划办公室可接受阁下签署的报税表副本.
